Rules of Etiquette

The Conference has developed a set of Rules of Etiquette to help make everyone’s conference experience a positive one. By registering for the Conference, you agree to abide by these rules.


Scope of Rules

1.1 The intent of these rules is to maintain the conference at a high technical and Professional level and to prevent any conflicts with the Conference Program

1.2 Vendor participation is encouraged and welcomed. Conduct shall be in Accordance with this intent.


General Rules

2.1 Exhibitors must comply with the rules and regulations of the exhibit hall at all times

2.2 Exhibit booths are intended for creating and maintaining acquaintances and for commercial discussions on an individual basis.

2.3 All vendors must inform the Local Conference Chair or his/her designee as to the number of their personnel that will be participating in their respective exhibit booth.

2.4 The Local Conference Chair or his/her designee will ensure that the exhibitors’ requirements are met in accordance with the terms of the contract.

2.5 The exhibitors shall report all matters of concern relating to the conference to the Local Conference Chair or his/her designee.

2.6 Literature and products for distribution, demonstrations and/or discussions are permitted, provided they are consistent with the technical communication objectives of the conference and are distributed ONLY from within the exhibitor’s booth. 

2.7 Distribution of refreshments or other products for consumption are subject to the general rules and regulations of the hotel/exhibit hall.

2.8 Large group-oriented displays of commercial equipment or group-oriented product presentations shall be permitted with the prior approval of the Conference Committee Chair and may be open when no official activities are scheduled.



3.1 In addition to the exhibit booth rental fee, all vendor personnel, exhibitor personnel, hospitality hosts and attendees to the exhibit hall are required to register and pay the appropriate conference fee(s) to gain access to these areas.

3.2 The booth rental fee includes one full conference registration for each booth rented. The conference does not offer a vendor "day pass" or exhibitor-only registration.


Booth Regulations

4.1 Commercial displays, including product signs, posters, banners, etc., shall be confined to the exhibit hall. The advertising and promotion of exhibitors’ products must be limited to the confines of their respective exhibit booth.

4.2 Each exhibitor must keep his exhibit open and properly staffed during, and only during, the specified exhibit hall open hours.

4.3 Robots or other remote control devices should be limited to the exhibitor space only.

4.4 Audio-visual equipment must be kept at sound levels that do not interfere with other exhibitors. Audio-visual presentations must be designed and regulated so the viewing is contained within the confines of the booth space. All large-screen audio-visual presentations must be approved in advance by the Exhibit Chair.

4.5 Use of amplification devices (PA systems) is not permitted.

4.6 Careful consideration and attention shall be given to safety issues, such as moving machinery and other display devices, to ensure the safety of exhibitors and attendees. The Exhibit Chair and his/her designee shall have the right to have unsafe conditions resolved or removed immediately. Pre-approval of such devices by the Exhibit Chair or his/her designee is encouraged.

4.7 Exhibitors may not have a display that blocks the view of exhibitors behind them on the same aisle. Thus should an exhibitor purchase two adjacent booths at the end of an aisle, they will not be permitted to have a back wall on their display that blocks the view of other exhibitors behind them.


Entertainment Rules

5.1 Authorized vendor luncheons, cocktail parties or other group affairs shall be scheduled and controlled so as not to conflict with the official Conference Program or events.

5.2 Inviting customers to dinner on a personal basis, i.e., small groups, is acceptable but preferably scheduled after the close of exhibit hours. Organizing dinner parties or similar off-site excursions, which take large groups away from the conference and exhibit areas, is not acceptable.

5.3 The consumption of alcoholic beverages is restricted to the event area during the times designated by the hotel/exhibit hall and Exhibit Chair.

5.4 The local Committee can designate certain evenings and /or mornings for social functions provided these events do not conflict in any way with the official conference events.


Rule Enforcement

6.1 The Local Conference Chair is responsible to ensure strict adherence to these rules. Failure to comply may result in the closing of the offending exhibit booth or display.

6.2 For any deviations from these rules, written approved; must be obtained from the Local Conference Chair.